This is the key to success, that is the key to success - you may have heard and read these sentences many times in your life. But, success does not have any key or any one thing which is the most important to achieve it. Unlike a lock, which can be opened with a single key, success is like a puzzle which need to be solved by using all the tools, resources and limitless efforts put by an individual. Many people use words like consistency, determination, hard-work, discipline and many more to associate them directly with success. But merely one thing, from above mentioned, is not enough to reach to the destination of your desires.
Let us understand this by one simple example. You have a strong determination towards gym and then you start going to gym. Determination is very important and now that you have it in your mind, do you really believe that you can achieve all the results just by having determination. Even after working so hard with full of their potential people face failures, because they may be lagging behind in consistency. Consistency plays a very important part here. You need to be consistent also in order to gain the results. But, what if you are still not getting results after being determined and consistent. You may go to gym daily, but doing the same amount of workout and increasing your capability day by day is also very necessary. If one day you do four exercises and next day you come down to two, then without any doubt you are lacking behind in discipline, which is even more important than determination and consistency. Now suppose, you have all of these three and still not getting forward. What can be the reason? There are a lot of people who constantly go to gym and do workout as much as they can, still they do not win on the stage. The people who win do not do anything different, they are just focused when they do their exercise. Concentration or focus is what comes next. If you are not focused on what you are doing and your mind is away from the activity you are performing, you can not achieve what you want because in bodybuilding your muscle mind connection is very much important, as important as your diet and workout. If you are still loosing yourself after reaching upto this stage, then it is sure that you are not doing smart work. Smart work is doing a little research on yourself and finding out the reason of why you are loosing to others after doing same amount of hard work. You have to point out yourself in some particular areas where you are weak, so that you can take action only where it is required. Like, you have a great chest, but you are weak in your back muscles. It simply means that you need to focus more on your back as compare to your chest.
Apart from the things that we have been talking about, there are fate and atmosphere which are outer things and not in your control. Sometimes you get the right opportunity on right time at right place with the right person and sometimes you get the worst situations which are anachronistic in nature. Thinking much about these things have no benefits at all, because of the fact that they are out of your control.
See, how all these things, step by step, can collectively bring success in your life. These words may sound very big but implementation of these words in your life is very easy. It just seems tough only when you read, once you start applying them, it becomes easy. But one thing that is the most important and comes before all of them is your interest. If you are interested, you automatically become determined, consistent, disciplined, focused and smart. This smartness allows you to think in a unique direction, which then become your thoughts. Converting these thoughts into action is your purely your responsibility. And, if you are not interested you can never go further.
After doing so much hard work, do not forget to enjoy the journey and to have a great experience.
Understand success.
Nice.....keep it up 👍🏻