The most important and very difficult job in your life is to believe in yourself. It is the first and the only thing that you need to do if you want to get success in your life. If you trust on what you do, you do not have to think about what people say and about their perspectives about you. Different people have different opinions and they judge you according to their own mindsets which they have set up on the basis of their experience of life which again differs from people to people. 

The more you trust on your doings, the more the jealousy people will have for you. And this is an inevitable thing in our society. So, if this is inevitable then why so worry about it, it is nothing to do with you. You are just expected to do your thing irrespective of what people have for you. If they have good, then it is good and in case they have bad then it should be better for you. 

Our society is one of the biggest reasons that many people start loosing faith in themselves. They become weak and start taking decisions that stop them doing what they were doing. Once you loose your own faith, even god can not give you that back. Because god himself have faith in you only when you make sure that you have faith in you. When you make god realise that you can be trusted as you work hard and believe in what you do, which you love, then in return god will make you realise that you are not alone. The supreme is always with you with his full efforts which are a lot more than yours’. But to take this surety, your surety is must. 

But how can you believe in yourself? What are the reasons that you doubt yourself? It happens when you face failures and think that this thing is not made for you. But, you should  be knowing that it can be possible that there are many things in which you can never achieve the peak, but there are some things, as well, in which you can become the master. This is your job to figure these things out. You are the one who is responsible for finding your interests of doing anything. If you find the one in which you feel the real joy, you automatically start believing in yourself because you happen to witness that you are making progress and learning from your failures which is a required thing to do as failures are the lessons to make growth. 

So, find the thing which interests you and exists for you because if you feel dull in doing something, you can not perform as good as you can, which you actually can when you feel good in doing what you do. This good feeling for doing something makes that job joyful and interesting, which again make it effective and progressive. And, this effectiveness and progress is what that make you believe in yourself and feel proud in your work.

Feel proud in your work by believing in yourself. 

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