Looking at the clock, waiting for the duty hours to be completed is almost a daily happening in many of the people’s mind. Sitting in the office and talking about the office is the only thing that is left to do while waiting for the pack up time. Then you go home where your family is waiting and eager to tell things that have happened during their whole day. It can not be ignored as they have their routine and day which is important for them as well as you.
Not all the people can love their job and follow passion due to many facts. One is the responsibilities and needs that a person has to fulfil in order to keep his family happy and prosperous. Other is that many people do not even know their passions. It takes their whole life, sometimes, to know about what are they made for and what is that one thing that they love doing the most. It just seems a different fact but it is totally related to the earlier one as this world is so busy fulfilling their needs and earning to survive in this world, they even forget to know theirselves.
That is why there has to be a thing which makes you feel great and creates the best moment of the day for you. I go to the gym where there are weights, rods, benches, machines and the most importantly the people like me who have made gym that one thing. Putting ear buds listening to the energetic and favourite music while lifting those weights and using machines to perform exercises is just an amazing feeling.
This time i am just free of everything that has happened or happening around me. Nothing comes in mind to distract me. Talking to people in gym, their diets and about their life is a very good and different thing that allows me to think in a broader way. Taking each other’s help in supporting the weight while on bench is also a great thing about trust as you do not know the person and blindly lifting that weight believing that the person will not let you down.
After completing the gym, everything seems very positive and beautiful. The crossing and overtaking people, view of the nature, the wind and the moving road are just great to give you a feeling of freshness, which you lack during your whole day. It is the best moment to think anything apart from your worries, work, past, future, responsibilities etc. At this moment you are just yourself who do not get much time to live with himself. Even if you have time, you are mentally engaged in so many things that you just become a machine which can do only one particular thing for which it was invented initially.
So, find out that one thing that creates the best moment for you and allows you to explore yourself in all the directions and aspects which remain unfolded for the entire life. It also makes you able to think twice about what you are doing and what needs to be done. You get to know this difference and then enhances the chances of changing your life. Search for your turning point.
What is the best moment of your day?
Nice 👍🏻👍🏻