You daily get notifications from different apps in the notification bar of your smart phone. Some of those notifications are useful and beneficial, where others are just unnecessary and distract you. These other notifications try to attract you and lure you towards their offers which you try to find out and want to know deep about them. 

There are a thousands of fraud companies or people that send you these notifications to make you see and invest in their products which they do not even make. They are just good market people who very well know how to attract and target the people so that they can loot them. 

And the target audience is irrespective of their positions in the society and in their own life. If you are unemployed, you get job offers. If you have a job, then you get buying offers. And just like that nobody is free from these fraud notifications. Atleast once, everyone taps on the links and open the browser and try to go deep and deep searching in the hope of getting something, but this hope goes in vain everytime they do this. 

Just like these notifications and messages on your phone, there are distractions in your life which try to keep you away from your aim and happiness. And, the same happen in this case also. Nobody is left who has not had these distractions atleast once in their lives. Because these are very common and can be found everywhere and in every path you decide you walk on. 

Some of them are overthinking, fear, sleep, useless people, rest, promotions etc. These keep you distracted as they all waste your time, which you can utilise for your betterment in life. Overthinking takes a lot of time and ends in nothing. Fear stops you doing things. Sleep should as much as required by the body. Useless and negative people have useless thoughts which do not have anything to do with you, but sometimes you have to stand with them listening their talks, which wastes your time. It is very general that if you work you need to take rest but many times people are misunderstood that they have worked a lot and need to rest whereas they have done nothing as compared to what has to be done. 

You are also distracted by the traditional thoughts of your parents and grandparents. There are definitely good things and experience that they have to give you and make you a better human being, but most of their talks are out fashioned and mis beliefs, which were set many decades ago. They believed them because they were illiterate who could not find and think about the logic behind them. But, today's time is different where people work and believe on pratical and scientific things which is even necessary to get developed and remove those mis beliefs from this society. 

Many times it happens that you become emotional, as you are emotionally connected with your parents, and listen to their mis beliefs in order to follow them which should not happen as it spreads meaningless thoughts from one generation to the other. 

So, you need to become a smart person who can gain good things and ignore bad things which cause distractions. Like our parents have a great experience of their life which you can learn from and save your time in getting ahead instead of doing mistakes. Just go to settings and turn off the notifications. 

    Know what is distraction and what is not.

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