Do you see any one person around you who is not struggling and just sitting relax, earning and enjoying his life to its fullest. If you find that one person then may be you are in a different world because life is full of struggles, which you have to be doing even after you get success in order to sustain that success. Even sustaining do not work afterwards, you have to keep working since the world is changing itself time to time. And to survive in this changing world you have to be very innovative and creative. Because if you are not, this world of competition will leave you behind and put you in a corner where you have to start again.
A person who does not even know weather he will eat today’s dinner or not is struggling for today’s food. He does not care about tomorrow because his today’s worries keep him busy struggling for food and does not allow him to think much about tomorrow.
A person who gets food daily is struggling for a job. Because he does not know for how much time he will get that food with no worries. He gets food because his parents are earning for him and the day they start giving him load and blame for not doing anything in life, he will have to think twice before eating.
A person who is doing job is struggling for promoting and more salary. This is because he has increased his needs after he started earning and wants more money to fulfil these needs. He compare himself to the man who is earning more than him, but he can not see that fact that the man is also struggling for the same. No one is satisfied with what he is doing. If anyone is, then he is the happiest person on this globe.
Also, the job person wants to leave his job and start some business because he thinks that job can not make him rich but business can. At the same time a business person compares himself to the man who is taking salary on the last day of month without any load and risk. He thinks that a job person enjoys on weekends, take leaves in between and still get salary, but in business it is not like that. You have to work all days to maintain your status in this competitiveness. And, in job also it is not like that, it is just the people’s mind that thinks like that.
A person who is skilled in arts, which can be music, sports, painting or any other form of art is also struggling to learn more and be more skilled in order to reach his targets. In today’s world one art is not sufficient for living. You need to learn additional things to complement your main thing.
What about the person who has retired and taking pension for doing nothing. Is he struggling or not? He also is struggling with no doubt. He is struggling and suffering from isolation and loneliness. You can very well witness this thing at your home or in your neighbourhood. You can watch an old man or lady for whole day and find what is he doing. You will find that he does not have anything to do, but if you ask him or her, they will tell you how alone and isolated they feel. How they want to do something but can not do. How they want to go somewhere, but can not go. This loneliness is even more when they have lost their spouses. So, it is the responsibility of their sons and grandchildren to take care of their old man’s suffering, which can be brought down just by sitting with them and talking.
So, do not compare your struggle to any other’s, it will only demoralise you. Everyone has his own worries to take care of. You just take care of yours and do not forget to be blessed with what you have and always enjoy your journey. Because, the experience of this journey is the only thing that you will be left in the end.
Enjoy your journey and be open to all the experiences of life.