You must have seen the movie “Gabbar is Back”, in which during the end fight scenes Gabbar asks Digvijay Patil “ where is the most darkness when a candles glows?”. And Patil gets confused. Then Gabbar tells him that it is below the candle itself. However, the context of this dialogue in that movie is different but i got this in a different way which i am going to talk about in this article. 


Before discussing about my context about the dialogue we should know the fact that sometimes or may be always we already know things that we read in books, watch in movies or anywhere else, but we often get failed in our real life in executing those things. That is why we must remind ourselves, time to time, so that we can be able to execute them effectively. And the reminder may vary person to person. This dialogue is just like that reminder. May be not for everyone but definitely for some. So, the importance for that dialogue is not in understanding the context and content which i am going to put in this article, but it is in understanding it as a reminder. 

So, when a candle glows, it illuminates the whole room but unable to remove the darkness below its flame. The same happens with people. When you start reading good books and getting knowledge day by day, things start getting changed in your perspective. You are able to see a new world in front of you. People are different in your eyes now. Everything is changed. Your whole perspective about everything is different now. 


But as a person you are still the same. You are not able to remove the darkness within you. And you can witness this yourself. When situations come, you react in the same manner in which you used to react before. There are very minor changes in your behaviour. We start behaving in a different way on the basis of knowledge that we have been gathering until we get stuck in a difficult situation in our life. By situations i mean when you get angry, emotional, anxious or even happy. Why this happens? Because you have only been trying to suppress your feelings. You have been wanting to get rid of them, which is never going to help you because it only illuminates your outer space, your inner space is still filled with darkness. So what is the difference? What are the benefits of that knowledge or experience? Where are we going? If we can’t react in a required manner then what is this all for?

And you never know this outer space and inner space thing until you remind yourself or someone else reminds you. Reminder may be anything. A movie, a person, a book or, as we are discussing, even a single dialogue. And when you get reminded, you can work on this. 

And to remind ourselves we have to monitor ourselves closely and see where is that darkness hidden in our inner being. We should not only be able to find out the flame but to use that flame for illuminating ourselves also, otherwise there is no use of all the education, civilisation and your personal experience. 

It is very easy to point out someone when he is wrong, but it is very difficult to put finger on us when we are wrong. This is where the inner darkness plays an important role. I know i have been talking about the problem without giving any solutions. There is very simple trick to remind this so called inner darkness and free yourself from yourself. 


The first step is Remind. Second is Rewind. Third is Focus

Let’s talk about them one by one keeping it simple and crispy. 

  1. Remind - whenever you get the opportunity where you can remind yourself to do what you thought but haven’t been doing it yet. For instance, you thought of going to gym but then you forgot. But one of your friends talked about it and reminded yourself. So don’t miss this opportunity, grab it and work on it. 
  2. Rewind - this is simply going back and think about the time when you thought to do something. For instance, in a book you read about meditation and its ways but afterwards it’s been more than one year since you have even tried them. Suddenly you get reminded by someone or something then you simply have to think that you already know this and this is the right opportunity. 
  3. Focus - after reminding and rewinding, you need to focus on the task that you are reminded for. How can you do it? What is the best time? You need to work on the ways to execute this as you already know the process, ways, benefits and outcomes. 

So this is what the trick is. You can practice this in your life to get better and take real benefits of what you have learned and gained from people, books etc. 

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