It’s been very long time since we have been listening and studying that adaptation of good habits make our life better and help in achieving our goals. Everybody knows this because we find it very common to hear these things somewhere in our life by someone in our life. However, the fact is that very few people get success in adapting good habits in their life. And why is that? After so much listening to our teachers, studying books and living with good company we still find it very difficult to adapt these habits. 

First of all let us talk about why good habits are difficult and bad habits are easy to adapt in our life. The difference is because of rewards we get from both of these habits. Where good habits take a lot of time to give your desired rewards, bad habits instantly provide you reward of pleasure. For instance, when you smoke, you instantly feel the pleasure, it doesn’t take time. When you consume alcohol, it also makes an impact immediately. But when you start going to gym, it will take months to show some desired results. When you start reading books, it can never change you in one month or one year, it is a process that keeps running throughout your life, which is why people struggle with starting something good. It’s all about rewards that people get. 

Now, if we forget about rewards, what is the process that we can start something good and continue that in our life. The process is very simple and you already have the ability to start this because you have been doing it for so long in your daily routine life. You are master in it. It is called staggering of things. To understand this better let’s take an example. When you wake up in the morning, you don’t need to remember to drink some water and then wash your face and then shave and then brushing your teeth and get fresh and then take bath and then get ready for school or office. All of this stuff is stored in your mind which keeps getting repeated daily by the mind. 

The same can be done when you want to start something new. You need to stagger that particular task after some other task. Like, you can start reading after you take your dinner and then after half an hour you can also go for a walk. See, this will become a perfect follow through. Dinner plus reading plus walking. Now you don’t need to think about having a free and perfect time slot for reading books because you have decided the exact time. And it would be better if you decide place of reading too. You can also apply this for meditation. You can fix in your mind that you will meditate for two minutes daily after you have your lunch and you never know when these two minutes become twenty. 


You talk about anything and that can be adapted. It is upto you to decide the exact time and place for the activity to be done. At first, of course, it will be difficult but repetition is the mastery. The more you repeat something the easier it will become for you to do. For example, if you do exercise regularly, it is now a habit for you and when someone asks you how to start it, it is very difficult, then you immediately have a smile on your face because it’s just an easy routine task for you. Why? Because you have repeated it so many times that it is now become a habit like brushing your teeth. 

Why to remember everything when you can store it easily by associating the tasks one after the other. This will create a cycle and then see the magic. It will also teach you the skills of micromanagement. You know that your mind is capable of doing things without making you much trouble. I am talking about the morning routine that you follow without any hurdle. So why to put load on your mind to remember things when those things can be done without remembering by staggering. It is just like keeping the boxes one above the other so that it takes lesser space. Then what is the purpose for your mind to accommodate more space when it can easily be done in lesser space. 

See! This is how any good habit can be adapted. Moreover, this will help you in enhancing your zone of doing many things in a day, which is called enlarging your comfort zone


Just one more thing that you need to practice during this process of building good habits in your routine life is becoming resourceful. Like, you want to start drinking water when you wake up but unable to follow it, so start keeping a jug and a glass near your bed. And, then see the change. Before, when you always forgot this, now the jug will remind you not your mind. One more example of this is of gym. Search for a gym which is either near to your house or comes between the way of your office. It will get you easy access to the gym and increase your chances to follow. Just like that anything that seems difficult can be followed by making it easily accessible and deciding exact time and place. So make things simple for you.

Give this a shot, and you will a changed person. 

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