People do not care leaving things on their tables in a managed way because it does not seem to be a big deal which is to taken care of. You take something from your table and keep it back, but you do not mind its place where you took it from.
You study on your study table and take breaks in between leaving your books, pen and all other related material just like that. It seems to be very normal when you leave it like that, but when you come back and see the mesh that you have spread on your table appears very bad and muddled. It then becomes a cause of distraction for yourself as sometimes you do not find things at the appropriate place and at the appropriate moment which make you go in despair for some time. Moreover, the mesh on your table is visible every time you sit there and try to study causing distractions. This mesh does not only disturbs you, but it also takes a lot more space than it takes when arranged in an order, so sometimes you do not find enough space to adjust all of your study material; book, notebook, laptop, water bottle and many more things.
This table things happens in offices also. When you have a tea break in your office you need to leave your job space and go for the cafeteria. There also you tend to leave your items and documents here and there which makes a mesh on your table. Why this? Because it is time for a tea break, which you have been waiting for minutes, and you run for it as if it is the most important task of the day. This eagerness for tea break encourages you to leave your things in a random manner which then becomes a mesh. Sometimes it happens that you do not find your things when you come back from your break. But you do not actually loose them, it is just that you forget where did you keep them.
The same happens at home or room that you live in. You come back from your work and do not find a place where you can keep your bag and all things, then you keep them on your bed which just increases the workload for yourself. It is actually not about the workload or space or good looking or anything like that.
It is about the positivity, clarity and good feeling that you have when you see things in an arranged manner on your table. The table in order gives you a clear look providing you more space for your work and reduces the tension that you have in your mind for the work that you have to do. If you have your table in order, it keeps telling you the sequence that you have to follow to complete all of your tasks, which takes more time and energy to be completed, sometimes does even get completed.
So, if you have a clear vision of the sequence of your work, if you can find things very easily when you come back, if you can study well without distractions, if you can have more space on the same table just by arranging it an order, then why not do that and gain benefits.
A table in order gives you a clear vision to think.