A life without regrets seems to be an elusion, however the mindset of people and approach towards life are some of the aspects by which one can achieve a successful way of living life with no regrets afterwards. In this article, we are going to find and discuss the ideas that are very necessary to be implemented in our lives in order to live a happy, fulfilled and peaceful life. 

- Priorities

One of the main reasons of regretting afterwards in life is failing to prioritise what truly matters. Sometimes the priority is our loved ones, sometimes it is our passion, sometimes it is our job and sometimes it is our health. We often forget and ignore our top priorities just because of our fantasies, desires and pseudo needs, which are not required or necessary. So, prioritising the right thing at the right time is what we need to learn and practice in our life. By doing so, we reduce chances to face a regretful life. 

- Approach towards life

Our mindset of approaching towards life decides our personality and behaviour which, in turn, become the key factor in living the life. We should keep our heart open to all the experiences and challenges that life has for us. It brings a great sense of acceptance, which means to surrender. Not in the sense to give up, but to accept all that comes ahead and take action accordingly. Whenever people try to resist what life projects to them, they always find disappointment and regret. Because life is neither easy and smooth nor it is hard and difficult, it is just the way it is. So, accepting it in its original form and not demanding anything from it should be the approach. 

- Decisions based on mistakes

Nobody in this world is immune to making mistakes, and life without regrets does not mean a life without errors. Instead, mistakes and failures are the best teachers to learn lessons from. There is no better lesson you can learn apart from your own mistakes. But again, it all depends on the approach that you have towards your life. Be open to everything and let things happen so that you can witness them and adapt accordingly. Moreover, it is not about only your mistakes, you should definitely learn from other’s mistakes also, because there is no benefit in wasting time to repeat the same thing that has already being done. 

Then comes the decisions that need to be made. It is true that we should live in the moment and act accordingly, but when it is time to take important decisions of our life, we are to consider our past mistakes to get help in making the right decisions. So, decisions based on your knowledge and past mistakes lead to a life with no regrets. 

- Choices and risks

There is no compulsion or force from anything that compels you to choose something, the choice is always yours. Wrong choices are, often, the results of less knowledge, lack of resources and unfavourable life’s situations. However, all of these causes can be tackled by adapting and implementing a very simple but powerful approach towards life and that is to follow what you are good at. Make choices that will satisfy your heart and not that will satisfy other’s people mind. 

 In today’s world, where there is a large competition in everything, people will stimulate you to do something that you are not capable of right now. So, taking calculated risks is also one of the ways that save from having regrets in future. By doing so, you are not only approaching towards your goal but also enjoying the journey itself. 

Prioritising things, having a good approach towards life, taking decisions based on mistakes and making good choices with calculated risks are all very important aspects to have an impressive life instead of a life with regrets. These things are not very hard to adapt, we can easily practice all of them by sitting with our parents and grandparents, reading books and articles and the most important learning from our own mistakes. 

Make choices that will satisfy your heart and not that will satisfy other’s people mind. 

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