I wish i could have my childhood back and enjoy those days to the fullest. I wish i could be in my young age so that i can do all of those things that i wanted to but never had the courage to initiate any one of them. I wish i have a good job and enjoy the freedom of life. I wish i would retire soon and enjoy my remaining life with my loved ones without any workload and distractions.
Human mind keeps having these thoughts all the time. It never stops and never gets satisfied with whatever it has right now. It assumes for the things and particularly the age that has either gone or yet to come. Which is why people are just suffering for whole of their life. The time that is not about present moments seems attractive and comfortable. When we live in our childhood we think to finish our studies and get a job soon given the thoughts that it will bring freedom and happiness in our lives, then once we get a good job we live our life for some time as per the thoughts that were stuck in our mind since our childhood. After this we want to retire soon to enjoy a hassle free life without any workload stress and daily life challenges. Simultaneously after getting what we have wanted for so long, our mind starts thinking about the time that has already gone by having regrets of things that could have been done in that particular time only.
But, you know whatever days and age you are living in is always the best. Let’s explore this idea through this article.
Childhood Age
This age itself has its two different phases; early childhood before school and childhood during school days. In first phase kids are just free from everything in their life. They can do whatever they want and whenever they want. Everyday is just like Sunday. Sleeping on their own time, waking up on their own time. No homework, no worries, no rush, just chill and relax. In the later one, kids start having some worries of their homework and all, but still they are free of everything else. They have enough time to play games with their friends, they have enough time to watch television, they have no worries and responsibilities about anything. In school also they have a good time while making new friends, exploring new things everyday.
In conclusion, childhood age seems to be the best age but only when we have lived it and become an adult now. When we struggle in our lives, we remind ourselves to our childhood where we didn’t need to do anything.
Adolescence and Adulthood
In our adolescence period, we are continuously in a transition phase where we are very confused about everything in our life. This time is also good as there are no responsibilities on the individual. School life is in a different phase in these days. Friendship is filtered, understanding is enhanced, freedom of going out with friends is provided and many more things that we enjoy during this period. This is the only period in our life where we are not seen as a responsible member in the family, we neither have job nor any workload, but only the freedom because we have become like man who is independent and can do anything by his own.
But we miss to enjoy these privileges while we are in this age, because we are tired of the homework, assignments and exams. We hope to pass 12th standard soon and enter in a good college where we will enjoy more than we can ever do in school. These kinds of misconceptions keep rounding in our mind. The college days pass just like that. Either thinking of a job or a good college for masters.
In our adulthood, while having a nice job, family, money and everything else, we still struggle for things that we don’t have; time and freedom. We struggle for retirement so that we can have peace in our life. But, while fighting for a peaceful life after retirement at old age, we often forget how blissful the young age is. The feeling of being young can never be felt at old age. The food choices that we have in young age and in childhood can never be taken in old age after retirement. The types of activities and things that we can do in young age, while having money earned from job, cannot be done in old age. So instead of thinking about a lifestyle after retirement in old age, it is better to focus on present days and enjoy the young era of your life.
Finally, when are retired and in your fifties you suddenly start thinking of having the same energy and stamina that you used to have when you were younger. You want to have the same power of lifting heavy weights in gym what you used to have in your thirties. You have this regret of not doing what you love. But all thoughts go in vain.
However, in this age life is really beautiful. You are well settled with everything. Your children are earning, they are married, you have grandchildren. Now you can think of doing anything you have wanted for so long but couldn’t do due to lack of time. And age is just a number to start something. You are never old to do what you love. It is true that you can not have the same energy and strength as you have had in your young age, but, it is also true that you have all the experience of life and much more maturity than any of your age. So, rather than regretting something, you can definitely start your life with a new beginning and purpose. You must have the confidence and courage to admit this truth and take initiative as it’s your own life, nobody else’s.
Now, you can perceive the fact that these days are always the best days of your life. No age is the best and no age is the worst. Each one has its own pros and cons and each age brings different challenges and experiences. So you must enjoy each one of them because it’s a cycle that keeps repeating itself time after time. Once you are done with one particular phase of that cycle, it is gone now and you wouldn’t be able to witness in your life time. That is why we should the days we are living in and not the days that either has gone or yet to come.