Some days after marriage, i used to think that a man’s responsibility and job are more important and difficult. Because the job provided me salary and made me think that it is the top most priority. So, whatever i was doing in my day to day activities was taken as more important than the work that my wife used to do. Whether it is going to office, gym or any other routine activity that i had to perform in order to fulfil daily commitments.
It happened for many days. But when she got pregnant, it totally changed my mind. I came to know about the very basic struggles that a woman has to suffer daily in her life. It happened because i started helping her in her daily routine activities which made me realise about the importance of her work and also about the time that i could not see after going to work. Every woman in this world has the same problem and faces it everyday in her life, but the thing here is that she never express her feelings to anyone. This is the proof of a woman’s strong resistance and withstanding ability that is more than any man’s abilities.
I told her to tell me every problem that she suffers so that i can know them and find a solution. But, it really does not work that way. Even if she started telling me every problem, soon i became bored of listening them and told her to use her common sense in finding the solutions. So, it can never work in that way and it did not work in our relationship either. Because it feels very awkward to tell every single problem to your partner who has just come back home from work and wants to take some rest. So instead of telling, most of the times, she hides it and keeps it in her mind, which becomes a major issue afterwards. Daily problems become a big life problem and main cause of distrust between the two.
Though it was not a big deal in our relationship as we tackled it very early and found out a solution. That particular solution worked very good and still working when we are nurturing our first baby. It is very helpful for both of us in fulfilling my professional goals and her household goals and the most important out baby’s nurturing goals.
But, what is that way to lookout in these kinds of scenarios? The way is very simple and long lasting. It is the coordination and mutual respect and understanding between the two partners. Knowing each other’s work, the importance of work and the priorities are the first step to establish a good coordination. After you become able to establish this kind of coordination, it will be very easy for you to manage time and activities accordingly. The main significance of doing this is to finish all the activities effectively and also saving time for yourself at last.
Our baby, for instance, requires proper attention. But it would be very difficult for us if we both keep sitting and playing with him. It neither allows her to do her work at home not i to complete my daily goals. So, we distribute the time between us and take care of baby one by one. She completes all of her pending work like cooking, cleaning and many more and the same goes for me. And when we both are done with our work, then we play with our son which is because of the time that we have saved by shifting our duties.
However, there are many instances where both the partners are right at their places, it is just the way of perception that makes them look different and wrong in each other’s eyes. So, what we need to do here is to change positions and think accordingly. If you do job and your partner is at home, then you should be considering yourself at home doing all the work and vice versa. By doing so, you would be able to see the actual digit that is 6 which seemed to be 9 from your side and your partner would also be able to see the 9 that seemed 6 from her side. This will bring a clarity and become the root of establishing a mutual understanding and a great coordination. So, it is all about seeing the right digit at right time and make everything right so that you can work together and know each other more and more.
For boys, it is their deep perceiving power that should work in understanding a woman and for girls it is there common sense that should work in understanding boys.
This is not a competition, it is the life that you have to live together, so never think less of your partner’s work and never leave him behind.