It is the thought, that comes to my mind, of going there and perform the activity, at which my meditation starts. Then comes the preparation, which makes me ready to proceed with a positive and energetic mind. After this initiation, though, of positiveness, the preparation part doesn’t last much long, but it helps me in breaking the initial inertia of work, which is the main reason why people are not able to start something.
It is then the path that i have to travel to reach to my destination. During this i have nothing in my mind except performing the activity that i have prepared for. The background music makes it more concentrated and conscious. While on the way to my destination, i am out of every thought that can distract me to do what i have to. In this way it again becomes a very useful trick to set up my mind fully on the activity.
The activity that i am talking about here is none other than gym. The earlier preparation was wearing shoes, sports wear and collecting all the accessories that are required in the gym like belt, water bottle, head phones etc. The later set up is about travelling from home to the gym and while travelling, taking every other thought out of your mind which can cause a shift in your concentration, so that you can enter in the gym with empty mind.
After you enter, it is only you and the weights. Nothing apart from this connection, the connection between your mind and your muscles and connection between your body and the weights. When i am able to establish this connection, i am fully able to be present in the moment, which makes gym a kind of mediation. Not only gym, whether you go to the ground for running, playing any sport, exercising any artistic thing or any other activity that you like the most, it all gives a unique platform to meditate and become a better person in your life.
The only condition to get this is that you have to be completely engaged and fully concentrated in the activity, only then you will be able to meditate. This medication is actually done unconsciously, that is why it actually has lesser benefits than the one which is done consciously, but the power of this is not to be underestimated in any sense as it lasts much longer than the conscious one and gives you the similar benefits.
It makes you calm and patient. Because during this process you get to know how much time it is taking to gain and improve very little things. Like in gym, you witness how your body takes a lot of time to transform by making very little progress day by day that you can’t see on daily basis. Same thing can be implemented in life also, making it better and stable.
One question here is that, why not all people, who do gym or any other thing, become calm and patient? The very simple answer to this is that because they do not make it to meditation while performing the activity. They are either busy in phones watching reels or thinking about something else which hampers their performance and then eventually the gain. You can easily identify those people around you by looking at their actions. They either keep talking to others or watching their mobile phones.
So, if you want to free yourself from your problems, then start practicing this meditation. Start being fully concentrated in your work. Stop thinking about other things when you do your thing. Stop using unnecessary mobile phones to focus yourself more.
Establish the connection.