How far your laziness takes you: Follow the 2 minute rule.

How far your laziness takes you? How big is the gap between the beginning of the task and thinking about the beginning of the task. 

You know we often talk about the consequences of being lazy in our day to day routine. Like, not going to gym is a great example of being lazy. Or whatever thing that you think to do but can’t because you do not want to come out of your comfort zone. It’s just because of laziness. 

But how far this takes you from your task. For example, you decided to wake up early in the morning, but you are now lying in the bed and confused whether you should wake up now or postpone this to the next Monday. And then suddenly you wake up, go to the wash basin, wash your eyes and drink sufficient amount of water. Now you feel it’s just this. This is the only thing that you need to do in order to break your zone and start your day with a great mindset and workout. 

It’s really the 2 minute rule, from atomic habits, that works here very effectively. If you want to do something, but finding yourself unable then you must do that thing at least for two minutes. As you have seen it yourself during the very first task of the day; waking up from your bed and get ready for the next task. These two minutes may seem very short, but these have the capability to give you the initial crank which is required to run your engine at full rpm. May be not on the first day, but it will definitely work one day.


So, you are just 2 minutes away from the beginning of something in your day. This helps you in catching the self motivating rpm. Once you catch that rpm, it becomes the self regulating engine that runs automatically whenever required without any initial crank. 

In other words, your laziness is nothing but the synonym of the initial inertia of work that always stops you from gaining the speed, but once you gain that speed, the newton’s law of motion will be there to assist you in maintaining that speed. It will be much easier for you now. So just breaking the initial inertia by following the 2 minute rule is what you need to do. 

When do you know that you have gained the speed and now just have to maintain it? When things start becoming habits, you better understand that you have gained the speed, it is now that you have to maintain it by acceleration and de acceleration whenever required. 

For instance, if you want to start writing, then take a paper and pen or open the notes app in your mobile phone, and you write at least for two minutes a day. Just 2 minutes from 1440 minutes that you get in one cycle. It works because you know that it is better to continue the work as you cannot do anything in 2 minutes. And once you start continuing, then congratulations you have started what you decided and had an idea for. It is now a habit for you to take some time out and write. 

This is the best way of execution of your ideas in your life. So many people have ideas, but they fail to execute them because they face difficulties in breaking the initial inertia which is the result of your laziness. See? How big the consequences can laziness have.

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