Have you ever thought about the connection of this whole world, how it is connected through every thing and every person. How you are able to fulfil all of your requirements just by visiting different kinds of shops and places. How you are able to get whatever you want in your city. What are the elements and factors that are responsible for this connectivity. 

One of my mates bought a bike in his home town and he wanted to transfer it to the place where he is posted. He just didn’t have to worry about anything because he knew that he will get his bike before he reaches there. He used the rail transport and paid some money and forgot about the process through which it all works. His bike reached before him and he collected that from the railways at his duty station. 

It is very normal and small thing to be discussed but it’s just an example of how things work in a  parallel manner without making you much worries. The thing that i am talking about here is that at one particular time there are a lot of people that are working to make you get what you want. This is the collaboration of the whole world which makes me feel very grateful. I thank everyone wherever i go and buy something and they reply the same. Because they deserve it as they work hard and keep their behaviour very polite towards their customers irrespective of customer’s behaviour. I mean, how good things are, you do need to worry about every single process; where it is coming from, who is responsible for all of this etc. 

For instance, you go to a clothing showroom and buy clothes. But the store is working because there is staff to make it work, they come before you, open the store, rearranges things so that you can get it easily from its appropriate place. Then the staff have to think about the process through which they get the supplies to run the store smoothly. Before the supplies there is factory that manufactures it and makes it available to the world. And what is before manufacturing, collection of raw material from different places. But what you need to do is just go to that store and take what you like without worrying about the whole process. At the same time you go by your vehicle without worrying about the fuel. Because you know that you just need to go to the petrol pump and pay some money to get the fuel and then keep running. Have you ever worried about the process through which this fuel comes and supplied to you. 

This all is running to make people get what they want. By some means, this whole world is connected. 


Everyone has his work benefits. Like a normal working class person doesn’t need to think about the scientific researches and economical processes behind the availability of everything near him. A scientist doesn’t need to think about clothes and food that he is getting everyday. A farmer doesn’t need to think about the machinery that he is using. 

Just like that you do not need to think about keeping your money somewhere because banks are there. At the same time bankers do not to think about their employment because work is always there in the world and that is why people earn money and deposit it to the bank. This is a never ending cycle that will keep running by one or another means. 

       Be grateful for everything.

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