You must have noticed the illusions in the dark night. Non-living objects seem to be living creatures. A stone of a weird structure seem to be a sitting money, a rope on the ground looks like a snake, a leaf skittering across the ground carried by the wind sounds like some animal is there and many more such things.
At the first instance you get confused whether there is something real or it is all illusion of your mind. And, most of the time you think it’s real and get scared. However it’s all fake and illusion of your mind.
Why this happens? Have you ever thought about it? The reason is quite simple and well known. It is, obviously, due to the lack of light in that particular area where you may have witnessed any of these things. Where there is light, there is a clear picture of everything and you don’t get confused. So it’s just about illuminating the space and everything becomes clear. Now there are no weird structures, no snake, no animal and nothing illusory, all visible.
Same thing happens in our life. We suffer from a lot of illusions in our life, which is never due to the darkness but due to the lack of light or i can directly say due to the lack of proper knowledge. Once we light up the room, we can see everything as it is. However, it’s our and only our duty to switch on that button and turn on the lights, else we would be in that darkness for whole of our life.
These so called illusions are very common in people’s lives because either they don’t want to turn on the button or they don’t even know where is the button. In both the situations people remain in darkness and their life ends just like that. For example, people think it’s hard to go to gym in their busy schedule, but once some of them take a small initiative and work on it consistently, it becomes a habit and now the gym itself is in the schedule. These some people are able to find out the button and turn it on.
Just like this, there are many people who want to become something, but they have doubts whether they can reach there or not. For instance, a man wants to become an IAS officer, but when he analyses the percentage of selection, he steps back and choose to remain in the darkness, just like that another man also wants to become an IAS officer, however the difference is that he finds out the procedure of becoming an IAS officer and decides to go ahead without thinking about the percentage of selection. What he did is that he shredded some light on his dreams and found out a way with clarity. It doesn’t matter if he becomes or not but he will definitely achieve something in his life.
This shredding of light on something is actually about using the books and other resources to gain knowledge about something and get out of the darkness in our life. The more knowledge you gain, the more clear things will become for you.
And knowledge can be gained not only from books, but from every small thing in our day to day lives. The people we are living around, the online apps we use, the newspapers, online articles and other resources.
The darkness that i have been talking about in this article keeps our talents hidden until we remove it. And, there are various sources for this illumination. The most important and the most effective among them is the self motivation, what this Page is about. Other resources are good teachers and their guidance, books, our family and our friends.