It is very easy to speak, but what is to be spoken is not as easy as it seems. Most of the time, we don't take care of the words we speak which has to be considered seriously. Speaking is an art, which includes using of words at appropriate time and place. Words put a deep impact on the mind of listener, so the words you use even for yourself should be good enough to bring only positive effect. 

This is so small thing to notice that its significance can not be realised. But the impact of this significance is very large. Not realising this seems fine, but it is not fine for the long run. The major reason of not considering this a serious matter is negligence towards small things. Objects can be small but their objective are very important. Words make a sentence but not every sentence has a deep impact on people. So, your words matter. 

Here are some words that are to be used or eliminated- 

•We are just friends - What do you mean by putting 'just' before friends. The word 'friend' itself means a lot and the word 'just' reduces the beauty and importance of the word 'friend.' What about 'we are friends.'

•A lot of hard work - what is the need for words 'a lot of'. The word ‘Hard Work'- itself says that you have to work harder. These prefixes make the sentence putting some extra pressure without giving any benefits. 

•Strict timetable - The word "strict' is not justifiable and makes no sense here. Because it is something that you have to follow with discipline, making you strict with your work. It should be reasonable and not tough. 

And there are so many words that are being used daily without any care. People always remember what you say to them. If you say good things, it will definitely reflect back in a better way. If you say bad things, it will not take much time to become worse. Now it is upto you weather you learn the importance of using words or you be ignorant towards them thinking that this is a  small thing to notice and do not carry much weight of profit in your journey towards your goal. As soon as you start taking care of these small things, your brain starts working in a disciplined and directed manner. Because, if you speak out good, useful and effective words, then how can your brain let you think less of yourself or somebody else.

Objects can be small but not objective. 

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