Every human being goes across ten thousand thoughts daily. And, it is very flummoxed to know that most of them appears to be negative. This all happens because our mind never stops working and that is why it needs to be trained at such level that it starts thinking neutral. 

To understand this let us mark a black dot on white board. This dot is easily visible to everyone. And there is nothing else on the board except the board itself. Your life is just like this board. The dot represents the problems or negatives of your life. And remaining part of the board represents the positives. Negatives can relate to your failures, hurdles and problems, where as, positives can be your success, happiness and comfort. The white part of the board is very important factor in keeping you motivated for the next event of your life. The black dot is also an important part to learn things but not to focus to waste energy and time. 

It is a person, who compares different ways to reach to the destination and it is again a person, who has lame excuses to avoid destinations. It seems difficult but it is not in real. Once you start increasing your comfort zone you fit yourself in it and feel easy in doing things. Once you feel this easiness, you again start coming out this increased zone and again feel easy after some time. Now, you realise that you are able to do a lot of things that can not be done by everyone. This can be reached by practicing everyday. It starts from mind so only mind requires training, which differs for different people. It can be self guidance by doing meditation or guidance from any teacher or mentor.

This all is a game of thinking. Your thoughts are responsible for your actions, which are eventually responsible for your ongoing life. You think good, you will do good and become good. You think bad, you will bad and become bad. So, putting your thoughts in right direction should be the consequence of the training of your mind. Always remember the importance of dot and white part of the board. Both are vital at their respective places if you use them smartly. 

All and hungry is full of new and creative ideas. The only thing that one needs is elimination of negatives and express the positives to proceed in a required direction in order to get close to the destination.

These small insights are equally associated to success.

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