Overthinking, frustration, workload and future-worries like things are very common these days. Almost every human being suffers from these things almost everyday. These do not concern you much when they are in low intensity but they start affecting and penetrating you very deeply and become a matter of discussion and counselling when they happen in high intensities. 

One of the major reasons of these happenings is the isolation and unsociable life of a person. Everyone wants to have his own privacy, which he assumes to not to tell anything to anyone. And, this becomes a cause of why people are getting separated from each other and also the reason of why anyone is not satisfied with what he is doing in his life. He forgets that satisfaction is even more important than his happiness because you can not always be happy, but you can definitely bring satisfaction in your life, which establishes the fact that you are doing very good and on the way of doing even better in your upcoming time. 

Though having things, mentioned in para one, in your mind is common these days, but they are also normal. Because if you work, workload has be. If you think, overthinking has to be. If you work hard, frustration has to be. If you live, worries has to be. By saying this, it simply means that either you leave everything and go to nature living there having no aims, strategies, plans, journey or anything that worries you or you can not avoid and run from these things. 

So if you know, you can not isolate yourself in order to avoid these things, then what to do? You may not find a way to completely remove these things but there are ways that reduce the intensity, lessen the effect and eliminate the distraction caused by these things. 

Go for a long walk with anyone you think is the best person to understand you and trust you the most. That one person can be your parents, siblings, spouse and your friends. Go and talk to him about all the things that are disturbing you and causing distraction between you and your life. It is just like a counselling which is very important to free yourself from these things which can hold you for your entire life and make you do regrets in the end. 

Talking things is the only and the best way to live free from all of your worries because by talking you not only share your problems, but you also come to know about other’s problems too which is very necessary because by knowing that you can learn the reality of this world. The reality of this world is that nobody is free, everyone is bounded with his worries. And, nobody’s worries are the worst, there has to be someone who has worse problems than you. It is just that some people lighten them by telling others whereas some people keep them and stay heavy with the weight of their issues. 

                  Just go for a walk. 

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