Every day in gym is very exciting and attractive because of the type of exercises and the pump that we get after that. It really feels very great when we see our body pumped up as it gives you a different look. The overall upper body looks incredible after every session of gym. But there is this one day which seems to be very hard and you never want to go to gym on this day, it is just discipline, though, that takes you to the gym on this day.
This day is leg day. Where you do not get any pump in your upper half body, the very small pump can be seen in your legs which cannot be seen in case if you have wore full lower. Moreover, the exercises are very exhausting and require heavy weights to train our legs. If not heavy weights, then it must be muscle endurance exercises, which are also very exhausting. There are very few people who may have this day as their favourite, otherwise you wouldn’t find any.
However, the results that we get by following each leg day every week are quite impressive. The benefits that we get from those particular exercises of legs such as squat, Romanian deadlift etc. are on the different level like getting a good body symmetry, having good bone health, making joints stronger, improving functional movements and there are many more.
Our life is just like the leg day. There will be many things that we would not want to do and will face many huddles doing those things. It is our discipline, just like in case of leg day, that will keep motivating us and making us do all of those hard and boring things that do not provide instant results like the pump we get in other parts of the body during other days of gym.
Just like the gym has everyday different from each other and leg day as the toughest one, our life follows the same pattern. Everyday cannot be the same, some days go very easy whereas others go very hard making our life look like a zigzag line on the chart. It is just the process that we have to follow irrespective of anything around us; any situation, people, resources etc.
Eventually we will see a big break up in the zigzag line on our life chart, representing fruits of the discipline and work that we have been putting across. And the results, for sure, are maximumly caused by the hard days, not by the easy ones. Because hard days make you suffer more.
The break up that you have on the chart shows your mental strength that you have gained after putting consistent efforts while facing regular challenges. The higher value then comes in your comfort zone indicating the larger area that you can cover with lesser efforts now. It can be well understood by the same concept, the leg day. When you start gym, you lift very less weights and get tired in 2-3 sets, but after a time you start lifting heavy weights and start seeing results too. Now the light weight becomes the warm up for you. Likewise, the things that were hard initially are like the routine activities.
So, always maintain a good discipline throughout your life, as it is the only inspiration and motivation for you to keep breaking up in the life chart and climb further.
Aachi. Aat