These small gestures and moments that we should cherish in our life.

We often wait for big moments in our life to cherish and feel satisfied for what we have been doing for so long. However, chasing these big moments makes us blind to see the very small things which have even more importance than the big ones. This happens because our mentality is to follow extraordinary things and ignore ordinary things in our life. There are a lot of little things that keep happening in our lives and we ignore all of them thinking they are normal and don’t have any great importance. 

You know what i witnessed today, when my wife took my baby for breast feeding, he stood up on the bed and brought up a pillow for her. He knew that his mother always has a pillow. And, he is just one and half years old. This was that little thing which i think one of the greatest moments that i have during these days in my life. 

Moreover it confirms the fact that whatever we do, our baby learns. The very smallest expressions and emotions that we have in front of him, he immediately catches that and implements. This is how fast a baby learns things. 

Let me tell you one more great gesture that my boy gives. Whenever he wants to play ball or any other games with me, and at the same time i need to finish something, i ask him to wait until i finish my thing. You know what, he keeps standing there waiting for his father to come and play with him. This kind of patience level at such a small age is really great and also a lesson to learn for even mature adults. Why does he have such a good level of patience? Because we act in the same way with him. We come to him at his first call and never let him down. And he observes everything, good or bad, that we do. 

This is also one of those moments that i cherish daily. I really forget about all other things when i am with my boy. I am able to write this article just because i learn things from him by watching him daily when he performs such gentle acts in front of us. 

So why waiting for big things to happen in life, just being in the present by witnessing such things is itself a great moment. 

In our daily life, from morning to night we keep thinking our plans, our dreams, next day tasks and what not. But we never think about the present time and moment which is better than all of other things. For this to happen, what we need to practice is that we have to concentrate on the objects around us. The atmosphere that is around us. The good vibes that are around us. Now, you might think that how can one be in the present all the time. I know it is not possible for all the human beings to always live in the present and witness the goodness around him. But we can deliberately practice this. And how is that? You know, whenever your mind is busy thinking unnecessary things, you just ask yourself, your mind, that what is your next thought. You will notice that it goes blank as soon as you have this question for your mind. 

So, it is our mind that keeps thinking all the time without our permission. At the moment we wake up and monitor it by asking these kind of questions and looking it from back side, it stops immediately. All the negative thoughts and feelings go away. They go away because they are all made up by your mind. So, only understanding that your mind is not you is quite enough to realise that all of your problems are not real. They are all made up.

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